Thursday, March 28, 2019

Richland Game Art - (Save the Environment) Week 9

Week 9 - Save the Environment

Story Prop Poster:

Logos & Fonts:

Do research on historic fonts from the period the story takes place in. For example, Buster Scruggs takes place post-Civil War. You should find advertisements and wanted posters from that period and identify a font that has the same tonal quality and character as the level of the game you are working on.

Do a search online for a font you can use in Photoshop that resembles the lettering you discovered in your research. Type out the title of your game level using this similar font.

In Photoshop, cut out the letters of the title and hand set the spacing and kerning of each letter. When this is complete, trace each letter of each word in the title, by hand! The results should look authentic and match the period and setting for your story. 

Extrude from a Map:

Take the current map of Richland College and import it into Photoshop. Create a new document that is Tabloid (11x17 in wide) and lasso just the black buildings of the school and the dark grey river. Drag this selected part of the map on to your new document. Change the blend mode to Multiply in the Layers section of your tool bar. Create a new layer and (using a brush with black or dark paint, outline the entire school. When finished, create another layer and outline the river in a slightly different paint color.

After you have outlined the school buildings and river, duplicate both layers. Now, TRANSFORM both school layers and both river layers at the same time using the DISTORT tool. Follow the example I have shown here and stretch and squeeze the image so it looks like it is at a 3/4 angle and laying down on a flat surface. The easiest way to do this is by starting with the top left corner and stretching it more to the left. Take the lower left corner and stretch it to the right. Then take the lower right corner and stretch it up and to the right. Lastly, take the top right corner and stretch it to the left. Your final result should look like this:

Now, turn off the river layers. Select ONE of the school building layers and (using the arrow key) nudge it slightly up, ensuring you do not nudge it to the left or right even a bit. The end result should look like this:

Next, turn off the school layers and turn back on the river layers. Select one river layer and (using the arrow key) nudge it slightly DOWN. Do not nudge it down as far and you  nudge the school building up. This is very slight. When you are finished, select the color you used to outline the river, make a new layer and connect all of the corners of the river by drawing straight vertical lines up and down. Find the river layer that is lowest in height and select it.

Now erase any of the lower river outlines that touch the OUTSIDE of upper river outline. When you finish, your river should look like a river bank in 3D! Select a 50% gray color and create a new layer. Determine a light direction from the sun (top left corner or top right corner) and loosely color the riverbank wall that is not receiving direct sunlight. Adjust the opacity to lighten the contrast.

Repeat this entire process for the outline of the school and create a shadow layer for it too using the technique listed above. You have extruded a 3D representation of the school and river from the plan view map. Add trees and dash marks to indicate windows.

This view is called Isometric because it implies perspective without using vanishing points. all of the vertical lines in the drawing.

Exteriors & Interiors:

 A good drawing of an exterior will save you from any headaches when designing the interior. The interior should always LOOK like it fits inside the exterior with architectural ques in place to determine where windows, doors and chimneys are. The details don't have to be EXACT in animation, just look accurate.

Here are some examples from the Warner Bros video: Tom & Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes -

Look at this Carriage Exterior and how it compare with the Interior. Space was made inside the carriage to accommodate the action of the characters in the storyboard.


Monday, March 25, 2019

Richland Game Art - (From Your Perspective) Week 8

Week 8 - From Your Perspective


The art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.

1 - Point Perspective

One vanishing point is visible in the composition on the horizon.

2 - Point Perspective

Two vanishing points are visible in the composition, both on the horizon.

3 - Point Perspective

Three vanishing points are visible in the composition, two on the horizon and one above or below the horizon.


Flat Space

Deep Space  


X Axis

Y Axis

Z Axis 

The Hitchcock Rule:

"The size of an object in the frame should equal its importance in the story at that moment."

The 5 Cs of Cinematography:

- Camera Angle

- Composition


- Cutting


- Continuity


- Close Up

The Western Genre:

- How the West Was Won

- High Noon

- The Searchers

- Unforgiven

- Star Wars

Here Lies My Character

Design a grave marker that best represents and is accurate to the region, period and culture of the character who died. 

Proportion & Size - Mad Max: Fury Road

Props as Symbols of Story

Create a series of props based on the level of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs video game you are designing. Create an iconic costume item or set dressing piece that best represents each character in the story chapter. Present these props in a composition using positive and negative space, line and shape, straights and curves that will illustrate the story beats of the game level.